Spiritual Readings Testimonials


Our little grandson Leo struggled coming into this world and Seth communicated to us that it was almost like a challenge he put forth with his birth, . . .to find his first breath. Leo’s higher self was working with him to restore his entry into this world and this little guy had a reason for being.  Seth also said that Leo is going to set the world on fire with his desire to create, . . . from the knowing within himself. He will not be one to follow others but he will take the lead in all that he does. Leo has come to awaken those who are not on the path of discovery, he will do it not by explaining his spiritual beliefs, but by living them. People will be drawn to his love, his power that comes from within and all that he will accomplish. This was such a powerful message from Seth and one I will never forget, and one in which I am forever grateful.


I just can’t thank you, Seth and the Wise Council enough. I’ve written this sentence and look back on it unsatisfied. I can’t find, nor do I think we even have the words in our language to express my gratitude. Although my heart does not see the details the council has brought forth, their validation of my “motherly instincts” has renewed my strength to walk this path alongside my daughter. When the Council began to work I felt a “shift” take place.I recall my heart crying out that she was not exactly back to how she had been before. I heard a whisper into my soul that all would not go completely back to normal. A gentle whisper of comfort that this is indeed her path and our path together. I have wondered why I was given this great honor to mother and walk alongside these two amazing souls. The work that you do in providing a pathway for consultation and guidance with Seth and the Wise Council is an amazing gift to say the least. At my most overwhelming times, you have been a light of guidance in the misty thick nighttime fog.

With all my love, Melissa

The reading you gave me from Seth and the Wise Council was so absolutely on target!

Their words gave me the deepest comfort and encouragement. It makes me weep with joy, humility and relief that my path is working out. Seth and the Wise Council affirmed some things that had been in the corners of my mind, and they also gave me practical next steps to take. Everything they said resonated in me and made a lot of sense for my life. This feels like a rebirth for me. I am not exaggerating. Your channeling skills are wonderful and accurate. What an amazing time to be alive on the planet, as we connect more deeply with Spirit.

I cannot thank you enough, Diane

After losing my first born son at the age of 22 to a horrific motorcycle accident I began the grief journey no human being can ever imagine. As I walk through this traumatic event I experience waves of both the will to swim or to just allow myself to sink. The latter seemed to be the way of my truth before Adam and Seth connected their mama’s to relight my fire. . . and let me tell you if it weren’t for this perfect alignment I am quite sure my flame would have been extinguished with grief. Today, I can say that due to Niki’s willingness to get vulnerable and share her journey through her writing and gifts to connect to those who live in Heaven has reignited my fire giving me the gift of KNOWING MY SON IS ALIVE AND WORKING MIRACLES FOR HIS MAMA! I now walk feeling the presence of my son everyday giving me a light and energized pep to my step.


I have had readings from many different people and hands down, Niki is my favorite reader. The readings have shed light on my situations with love, compassion and comfort. The guidance and perspective from Seth and The Wise Council has helped me to have faith in myself, God, and to feel and KNOW that all is well in the larger perspective. They have picked up on details that only I could have confirmed to be true. I also really enjoyed the rich imagery that comes through the readings, they feel very genuine and engaging. It makes the reading come alive. I highly recommend her readings to anyone who is struggling with life or just curious about the aspect of life. Niki’s reading have helped me so much and I am so grateful for her willingness to share her gift in order to help others. 

Sending love, Elise

I sought out a reading from Niki when I was going through a hardship in my life around housing and financial worries. Niki took the time to deeply listen to my concerns. When I received the reading from Niki, I had tears in my eyes as it lifted me out of my current situation reminding me of the reality of this universe; we all truly are held in love no matter what. Some of the exercises her reading encouraged me to practice gave me tools that empowered me. I didn’t have to react to what was happening, I could intentionally respond with dignity and wisdom from within. I would encourage anyone who wants to connect to something greater than themselves and would like help doing that to receive a reading from Niki.


When my mother died in 1997 at age 85. I began my own journey to find her “on the other side” . I used art~automatic~art as a medium to connect with her. She finally came through with an amazing picture of herself reaching out to hug me. About the same time I was working on my book I met Niki Brown, who was beginning to write about her journey to find her son Seth on “the other side.” Since Niki was able to collaborate with Seth and the Wise Council, I asked if they could contact my mother and send me a message. It was a “letter from Heaven,” to me from my mom telling me some things I needed to know about our less than perfect relationship. The last words of the letter from Mom were to Niki and Seth: “You did a bang-up job.” This phrase was one that my mom used all her life when I or someone completed a task in an admirable way. Niki had no way of knowing this. The whole reading was right on~~in my mother’s voice. 


Several years ago I had an alarming issue with my left eye. It was bleeding internally and I was losing my vision. The ophthalmologist had tried laser surgery and injections without success in stopping the bleeding. Niki suggested I try past regression and rewriting the past. She coached me on how to do it. I meditated, focusing on going further and further back in time. I saw a Priest with long white hair and beard in white robes. His eye had been badly injured and was so bulbous and crusted. There was a small girl with him who kept saying. “Let me heal it, I  can heal it,” but she was being completely ignored. I wondered if I should rewrite the vision by preventing the priest from injuring his eye, but I couldn’t visualize that. Next I tried the priest listening to the little girl and asking for her help. She put her little hand gently over his eye and kept repeating, “I can heal it, I am healing it, thank you universe.” My next visual was the priest walking through a crowd of people with everyone on their knees bowing down to him. His gleaming white robes and hair flowed as he walked. His eye was completely healed and he was carrying the little girl in his arms. Everyone was bowing to her as well as the priest. The vision ended there. I started meditating numerous times a day, putting my hands around my eye and silently repeating, “I can heal it, I am healing it, thank you universe.” A few days later I went back to the ophthalmologist and she said the bleeding had stopped. I’ve never had a recurrence.
