Niki and Seth Brown

Communications between here and the afterworld


Niki Brown

Niki is a mother, spiritual seeker and channeler, author, artist, wife and grandmother.

Seth Brown

Seth is Niki’s second child. He is the co-author of The Child I Lost Found Me and a spiritual teacher who communicates from Heaven through Niki. 

The Child I Lost Found Me

This powerful evocative book details Seth and Niki’s spiritual journey, transformation, and healing.


What we do

Seth, I and the Wise Council work together to help those who have lost loved ones. It is our mission to help them move through these extreme challenges in their lives, realizing they are not separate but deeply connected. This is a time of awakening, of opening to new insights into life and the unseen world. There are natural tools that can be used to open one’s communications. 


We also enjoy helping those who are moving through the uncertainties of life. Our guidance comes from a higher perspective that truth and love conquers all.

Please reach out to Niki if you have any questions

or would like to set up a reading.